
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Ethics in sport

In the highly competitive sports environment we hear more and more about unethical behavior. Sport can have a huge impact on people's lives, creating unity, promoting values and products and community pride. Everyone who participates in sport, athletes, administrators, officials, coaches and supporters, should take personal responsibility for ensuring that the sport is fun and fair for all.

Morals, values and ethics are more than just sayings, rules or laws. They imply a duty or actions that you should take. But they also imply that taking these actions is "right" or "good". Not performing in that way is "wrong" or "bad".

One of the problems of upholding morals and values in sport is that the morals and values of one participant may differ from that of another. It is therefore an obligation of coaches, captains and leaders to define basic sports morals and values that they want their teams to adhere to, and then lead by example.

The most important values in sports ethics are:

  1. Fairness
  2. Integrity
  3. Respect
  4. Equity

How you feel about others also determines your moral sense. If you value others highly you will be considerate and play with compassion and moral sense. You will consider the effect your actions will have on others and the fun of the game and all it's participants, and will want to do what is right and good. On the other hand, if you feel that opponents are against you, you may lack empathy for their feelings. You will not recognise their value and worth and may not feel compassion for their welfare. Some personality types, especially the defunct, may be empathy challenged, and they may have no or limited capacity for empathy and may be more inclined to play unethically.

Fortunately, human nature is basically good and most people will not try to win the point at the expense of harming or disabling another player.

Here are some basic tenants to follow when playing ethically:

  1. Glory can not be owned. You can only taste it for a while, then it is someone else's turn.
  2. Appreciate the curve balls that sport sends you. Don't give up after a bad game or season. Treat all curve balls as opportunities to improve and grow.
  3. Stay positive and have positive self-talk. Don't beat yourself up about every little mistake.
  4. Success in sport can not ensure happiness. Too many athletes assume their success will serve as the foundation for their self-respect rather than their self-respect serving as the foundation for their success.
  5. Opponents are not evil. Successful athletes don't waste time and effort attacking another or trying to prove they're better. They don't have enemies and they respect the competition. Lay down your weapons and play in peace.

Ethics in sport is important. It forms a basis for moral behavior in life and communities. You may not be able to win every time, but the way you and your team handle defeat will either gain your respect from other people or will do damage to other people.

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